Welcome to Cream City Farms
Walnut Hill
Under Construction
2025 Produce
List (CSA)
Under Construction
Special Announcement – We got the grant!
Cream City Farms applied for and received a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture to build five new greenhouses at the Walnut Hill site. This exciting new development will allow us to grow produce with more reliable yields as well as extend the season in the years to come. We don’t get here without your support, so thank you very much for you patronage and well wishes! In addition we will be creating a dedicated education area for schools when engaged in educational programming at the site as well.
2025 CSA Program
Welcome to the 11th season for Cream City Farms’ CSA program. Weather and other environmental conditions notwithstanding, we hope to have a wide variety of produce for you this season to enjoy!
Delivery Only. For those of you who live in Milwaukee County, your shares will be delivered directly to your doorstep on Sunday afternoons. If you live outside of the county, you will need to make special arrangements to receive you shares.
Subscription Levels. There are three subscription levels available this season, Full-Share, Worker-Share and the Workhorse-Share. To learn more about each level see below.
Workplace CSA program. If three or more persons from the same workplace purchase a share, we will deliver those shares to your workplace. Space is very limited so get your group set-up today! The deliveries for this program will occur on Monday mornings sometime between 7-10 AM. Delivery dates – July 14, 28 – August 11, 25 – September 8, 22 – October 6
Substitutions and Distributions. Cream City Farms reserves the right to substitute and eliminate varieties at its discretion based on seasonal and market conditions. Distribution dates will occur as scheduled rain or shine unless weather conditions are severe. In the event a pick-up or delivery date is canceled, it will be rescheduled for the following day, weather permitting.
Unclaimed Distributions. If you are unable to pick up your share on the date scheduled, please contact us ahead of time or as soon as possible to make other arrangements. Unclaimed produce will be donated to area food pantries the following Monday. Thank you for your interest in joining our CSA program. I look forward to being your farmer this growing season.
Full Share – $280.00
This subscription level will receive 7-boxes/bags distributed bi-monthly from July 13 – October 5. Unless other arrangements are made, and weather permitting, your delivery will be on the dates specified below:
July 13, 27 – August 10, 24 – Sep 7, 21 – Oct 5
Worker Share – $115.00
This subscription level will receive 8-boxes/bags distributed bi-monthly from July 13 – October 12. In exchange for your discounted price, you will agree to provide 12 hours of in-kind services to help with the care and maintenance of the farm. Unless other arrangements are made your delivery will be on the dates specified below:
July 13, 27 – August 10, 24 – Sep 7, 21 – Oct 5, 12
Workhorse Share – $40.00
This subscription level will receive 8-boxes/bags distributed bi-monthly from July 13 – October 12. In exchange for your discounted price, you will agree to provide 18 hours of in-kind services to help with the care and maintenance of the farm. Unless other arrangements are made, and weather permitting, your delivery will be on the dates specified below:
July 13, 27 – August 10, 24 – Sep 7, 21 – Oct 5, 12
David Johnson